Meeting for Business
On the 3rd Sunday of the month, after worshiping for 15 minutes, we hold our Meeting for worship with a concern for business. All are welcome to attend and participate. There are no motions, seconds, or votes in our collective decision-making. We believe that through gathering to listen and pray we are capable of discovering the will of God. When those present experience and affirm “a sense of unity” we see it as a sign to act, or not act. The Clerk of that meeting helps those gathered to determine when they have reached unity. The Recording Clerk records the decision as a “Minute”.
Children at New Haven Friends Meeting
On Sunday mornings, during Meeting for Worship, a paid teacher and volunteers work with the older children who focus on learning about Quaker values and historical Quaker figures. Simple lessons and discussions always include hands-on projects with art materials. The parents/other family members gather as a community periodically to discuss their ideas and get better acquainted with each other and the children.
For further information, contact the current clerk of the First Day School, Linda Miller, at
We also try to provide onsite childcare when parents are at Meeting events.
Committees play important role
There is no paid staff in our New Haven Friends Meeting — all of the work is done by individuals who give their time, generally in committees. All committees, except Ministry and Counsel, are open to all. For someone new to Friends in general, or New Haven Friends in particular, serving on a committee can be a helpful and pleasant way to get to know people. It is part of the service that creates a vibrant faith community. If you are interested in serving, speak to any member of Ministry and Counsel after Meeting for Worship. Or you may want to attend a committee meeting. Check the Meeting’s calendar for scheduled meetings.
Committee terms are from July 1 to June 30-one year terms the general norm. In general, individuals choose to renew and serve for several years. There are three types of committees described HERE. The committees chose from among their members a person to serve as “clerk”. The term ‘clerk’ is used for individuals who organize and coordinate the committees’ work.
Our Public Minutes
New Haven Friends Meeting periodically choose to make statements, known among us as a “Minute”, on contemporary issues of concern. We label each Minute with the month, day and year that it was approved by the Meeting for Business. A folder is located Here.
Pastoral Care
As an unprogrammed Friends meeting, we have neither a paid nor volunteer pastor. All of us are asked to minister to and care for one another. Our Ministry and Counsel (M&C) Committee has the responsibility to identify those who may need special care and/or support in reaching clearness about important life decisions. M&C assists in organizing volunteers and providing training in pastoral care.
New Haven Friends Meeting maintains a building and property, has operating expenses, and gives at least 10% of our donations to support worthy organizations or individual leadings for social or environmental action.
No one will ask you directly for a financial contribution or pass a collection plate. Any donation, financial or of time and work, is always appreciated.
To make a tax deductible contribution to the Meeting, you can leave cash or a check in the "Friendly Gifts Box” on the table inside the front door of the Meeting Room. Checks are made out to: New Haven Friends Meeting. Click on the “Contribute” button to make an online donation.
New Haven Friends Meeting is entirely dependent on financial contributions from people like you. Please consider what your experience here means to you and give as you are able.