Our Leadings
Friends are committed to both spiritual awareness and social action as forms of ministry. God still speaks to us and we must respond. We work towards peace, justice and reconciliation because we believe they are necessary to uphold our spiritual truths. Carrying out these beliefs through action in daily life is a spiritual process through which everyone can find commitment and strength.
Friends Values, also known as Testimonies, are the basis for right and faithful action.
Stewardship is caring for the earth, valuing and responding to all of God’s creation; using only our fair share of the earth’s resources through a life of Simplicity.
Equality calls us to treat everyone, everywhere as equally precious to God; to live in Peaceful right relationship that seeks justice and healing and takes away the causes of violence.
In Community we seek to support one another in our faith journeys, in times of joy and sorrow; caring for one another.
Living as people who act on what we profess to believe, tell the truth and do what we say we will do is Integrity.