Meetinghouse Address:

225 East Grand Avenue

New Haven, CT 06513

Meeting for Worship 

Sunday Service/Meeting for Worship at 10:30 am (in-person or online)*.  Mask wearing is individual choice for adults and children. Questions or to request the Zoom link at

*Third Sunday exception: Meeting for Worship 10:30 – 10:45 am; Meeting for Business beginning 10:45 am

Children's Program/First Day School with infant/toddler care as well as group activities for children ages 4+, during Meeting for Worship.  Begins at 10:30 am with gathering with teacher downstairs. Email Carl Testa of the First Day School committee ( with any questions.

Brief History

The Religious Society of Friends movement began in the mid-1600’s in England as one of the most radical new Christian sects emerging during the Reformation.  We are known as “Friends” from the Gospel of John*. Friends came to greatly depend on experiencing the Spirit in the midst of the worshiping group.  Among our most treasured spiritual values are truthfulness, simplicity, a simple lifestyle, non-violence and a reverence for all life.

The unprogrammed Friends’ Meeting in New Haven, CT was founded in 1935.  Our current building was constructed on the east side of New Haven and occupied in 1995.  We now share our land with the early childhood Friends Center for Children.

* You are my friends if you do what I command you. I do not call you servants any longer … but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father.       John 15: 14-15 (NRSV)

Please consider what your experience here means to you and give as you are able.